Notes / Alfresco-4 / Import

Last update: 2015 Dec 10

So far the best example is this page:

It’s using a bulk import in-place, which means the files are already stored in the content store in a given directory.
And then you initiate the process with the following:

curl -s -k -X POST --user 'admin':'admin'      \
        -F sourceDirectory='src-import'        \
        -F contentStore='default'              \
        -F targetPath='/Company Home/MyTarget' \


  • src-import: the directory you’ve created in the content store
  • targetPath: the alfresco path where you want those files to exist

The main URL to trigger it is located here: http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/bulkfsimport.

TODO: Need to find the streaming equivalent in API mode.